Our copy editing service is a multi-stage process, ensuring the highest standards of accuracy. Initially, any document is read through completely, without making any corrections. This allows our editors to have a clear understanding of the text and its intended meaning. In the next stage, any spelling and grammatical errors are located and corrected, taking note of whether the document is written in UK or US English, and shortening or lengthening sentences and paragraphs to ensure ease of reading. At this stage, we also check that the text is consistent with any style guide specified by the intended publisher or organisation, including the overall formatting, headings, layout and word count.

After this, the document is re-read, checking for any logical or factual errors and ensuring the style is consistent and correct for the intended readers. We also check that the text is arranged in a logical order. At this stage we also highlight any matters that might potentially cause legal or copyright issues. Last, we check any bibliography, figures and tables for correct formatting and errors. Unlike virtually all other proofreading companies, in a final stage, the entire document is read through again by a different editor, because two sets of eyes are always better than one.

Although all of this is laborious, we are always able to meet any reasonable deadline and our changes are extremely reasonable, starting at £0.02 per word, or even less for large documents. We normally work with Microsoft Word files, as this enables 'track changes', in order for you to be able to view all the edits and also any comments we add. However, we are able to work with documents in almost any electronic format, in which case we will convert these to Word format to enable editing. We can also work with hard-copy texts, and will scan these, again converting to Word format.

The difference between proofreading and copy editing.